My Loving Companion
I took Boo up and had his T4 ran. The office is supposed to call me back about them, they were so fired up busy today that I didn't want to put Boo through the stress of waiting even the 15 minutes they said it would take. But it may take another hour or so for them to call me. They are open tomorrow too. Anyway, they took the blood out of his neck. I don't know if that's normal. I caught hold of Dr. Mireles and asked him about the fluid absorption and he said he was absorbing fluids fine and not to worry. They weighed him and he weighs 8 POUNDS NOW!!! I am so happy about that (I think) but am still waiting to hear about the thyroid test. They do not run a T3 test, so I can only get the T4. The doc also wants to run a CBC, electrolyte, superchem on him, but I do not have the 100+ dollars that will cost (CBC's about 30 some, a superchem is 90 some, I know, but just a blood draw for a BUN test is 16 bucks)
So, I will be posting the receipt for his T4 test (Thank you for your donation which helped pay for this) and then update you guys when I get a phone call. 
On an unrelated side note, I applied for a second part time job close to home, so if I do get it, I will be better equipped to take care of all of my animals, not only Boo. 
I am writing this at work since by the time I get home it will be go go go and I may not have time to update until later. I will call the vet this morning about pricing on hyperthyroid tests and I already know an exam fee may be between 28-40 dollars, so I will have to get things in place. He is out of HI-Tor and they only sell that by the case and that will be about 26 dollars if I can get a discount.
 I have printed out a sheet of questions and a list of his current symptoms and current treatments he is on. Please send vibes and/or pray that Boo does not have hyperthyroidism. He has been through so much already and I don't want him to have to go through this.... <3 <3
Boo is finally sleeping in the box on the desk here beside me. He's starting to rest, but every few minutes will raise his head up like he's going to scratch but never does. He went after my ice tea and my milky way, and I gave him some food and water and he was fine (but still wanted my ice tea, no dice kitty) ... I am trying to be especially quiet so I have to go
So frustrated with this itching! He was up all night bouncing from surface to surface trying to get higher and higher. He is eating like a horse, but he also hasn't slept well, so I finally got him to lay on his cat bed with the shirt I wore all night at work on top of it. He seemed to like that and is slowly starting to go into a laying position. After his fluids he never really felt comfortable enough to lay down because all of that fluid goes right down to the bottom of his belly in his belly flaps. And it's heavy too! I can't imagine how uncomfortable that is. I found a couple more spots that either are hot spots or areas where he has chewed on it until he's taken skin off and put a tiny tiny bit of neosporin on it (Actually "Triple Antibiotic Ointment" Which the vet recommended. It has Bacitracin 400 units, Neomycin 3.5 mg and Polymyxin B 5,000 units) He has not gone back to itching on those just yet. He is trembling but I think he has gotten weak from not sleeping all night and staying in an upright position. he is laying down most of the way now (Meatloaf position) and if he goes onto his side I know he's pretty comfortable. 
What I don't get is how his appetite has exploded. Was it the Amforal? He just pigs out way more than he ever has! Or it could be stress, if I didn't mention earlier, he is a very emotional eater. After any vet visit or fluid treatment, he HAD to have a treat (Which was wet c/d at the time). I cut a few more mats off of him and shaved a good portion of the outer portion of his back leg until he got annoyed enough that I had to stop. I'm leaving him be, he has had water, and his 1/4 mL dose of Pet-Tinic, so we will see. His nose is pink, not white. His ears are cool, but they have been since he was diagnosed with anemia. 
 As soon as I can get the money I will have them do another CBC or Superchem. I still have to buy a case of the Hi-Tor Neo which will be tomorrow, he is good on fluids and needles for now. I will also have to buy another bag of Purina One because Chickster likes it and it is a treat for Boo for doing well or having a decent temper with me while trying to work with him. He purred through his fluids again today. But he is trembling. It's not constant. Just every once in awhile. I've sat with my hand on his shoulder blades for 10 minutes, and maybe 2 trembles, and not in any sort of pattern. This is why I am assuming he is just tired from moving around all night. 
 We will see. I wish he would sleep with me in my bed. I really miss that and it breaks my heart. Even if I sleep in Mom's bed, he just isn't interested in cuddling. Maybe some petting, but no head butting like he used to do. *sigh*
 Anyway. Updates later. I am on poop watch. 
Thank you <3



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It looks as though his shave really helped. This morning he has not been itching, scratching and running from place to place. He's been VERY talkative this morning and has been eating a TON of food. I need to give him his Amforal in a few minutes though, and I think his tummy might be a tiny bit upset. He refuses to lay down though, everytime he does he jumps back up and licks one of those spots. It may be a flea allergy, or simply just not shaving him early enough like I should have. He is in his box next to my monitor with a fresh pillowcase on top of his heating pad. I just turned it on warm ninja-style so he won't get all uppity. We'll see if he likes it. He's peed but not pooped yet today, but he's eating like a little piggy! He's been purring near constantly, and trust me when I say he is not a cat that purrs if he's in pain. That's when we know something might be wrong with him, really, is when he isn't purring. So we keep an eye out. He's laid down now, so I will try to temper my typing so as not to annoy him. I still may go get two capstars... yeah, I think I will, and just pill them both and see if it helps. The "hot spot" (May or may not be) that I took a photo of (and am posting in his gallery on this site) is scabbing over already. It looks like it is healing great. I will talk to the vet about his itchiness and see what they say when I go up there shortly. Updates later!
Thanks guys <3 :)
I didn't get Boo any cap star pills today, because after shaving him I found a few hot pink spots on his skin where the mats were. Since he's not itching and scratching all over and only in particular areas (Where the spots are, but I can't find some) He still needs his legs shaved, I will be seeing if he can tackle that tomorrow. Otherwise, he's purring and eating like crazy, and seems to be alright. He's not scratching 24/7, but goes on fits of it. Under his chin, then his shoulder, then his chest, then his side.
One more solid poop this morning. Very pleased, who knew I'd ever get this excited about pooping and peeing and eating and grooming! There are so much more to cats than some people realize, even myself! I have learned so much through all of this. 
I am going to the vet to buy 2 capstars, and I will try to buy 4 if I can (should be able to) since they have gone up to 4.50 a pill!! I think that's a bit outrageous. Anyway, vet said it was very safe to use it on Boo. I have to knock these fleas off of both of them to give him a bit of a relief until I can find some way to get rid of these fleas (Dang ol' wanderers outside, we haven't had fleas in nearly 2 years I think, and now he can't even go outside without this crap happening!) I am going to try to shave/cut as much fur as I can off of him, which the vet okay'd too, since I usually lion cut him at this time of year anyway. He said it shouldn't bother his body temperature at all. He should be ok. And our house is usually very comfy and I have a heating pad and soft blankies everywhere for him. 
 Eating well, drinking well, and maybe even grooming, but some of it is restless biting over these little jerks on him (Which I CANNOT find on him ANYWHERE! He is not infested, at least, but however many is on him are bothering the ever loving heck outta him!) 
 Going now to get this and get it in him, and they said I can start the Pet-Tinic. We will start with only a drop or two, and go up from there so I can m

    About Boo

    Boo was a 13.5 year old Persian male with Chronic Renal Failure diagnosed 03/15/10. He passed away peacefully on 08/02/10. For more on Boo, visit Boo's Life Story page.

    Boo's Ma

    I live in Central North Carolina and take care of 6 cats. 4 outside 'wanderers' and 2 indoor, Boo and Chickster. Boo is 13 years old and Chickster is 1-2. I'd rather be at home with my cats than anywhere else. I devote most of my time to Boo and try not to accidentally ignore Chickie Sue. I am starting to notice they can be a lot like children sometimes! It is not always an easy job!


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