My Loving Companion

Boo poo'd last night. It was a solid stool. Little tan, medium and dark brown, but it was an actual poop and no runny and no mucous, and best of all no blood. It did NOT smell. Just regular ol He didn't strain either. I was pretty happy to see that. After he did that he was a little more energetic, trotting again to the window like there was something he just HAD to see out there. Then he got up on a chair with a big fluffy pillow on it, laid down and stayed still. His breathing looked slower and more normal. He hadn't vomited or anything. I think maybe that Amforal is helping his tummy and his stool, but may be making him feel not so great. I'm not really sure. My friend told me to stop bothering him and leave him alone, which made me feel kind of bad, because I felt like if I leave him alone I'm ignoring him, which I know isn't the case... but still. I'm sure someone understands that.
 I am glad to be at work however and have other things to keep my mind busy. Yesterday and last night was just a little too nerve wracking and for no good reason. I put a little of the Pet-Tinic in a bowl and let Boo smell of it. He wasn't outright disgusted but wasn't interested. Chickster on the other hand went so far as to taste of it. "Great," I said, "Now that you like it, Boo won't."
  We will see how things are in the morning. I am supposed to call the vet and tell them. He has 2 more doses, so I will see if they want me to finish the doses and then ask about when to start the Pet-Tinic again and then when I should switch back to regular litter, or even switch to Yesterday's News or some other litter.
A rollercoaster ride is certainly is, but the good days are really good. :)


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    About Boo

    Boo was a 13.5 year old Persian male with Chronic Renal Failure diagnosed 03/15/10. He passed away peacefully on 08/02/10. For more on Boo, visit Boo's Life Story page.

    Boo's Ma

    I live in Central North Carolina and take care of 6 cats. 4 outside 'wanderers' and 2 indoor, Boo and Chickster. Boo is 13 years old and Chickster is 1-2. I'd rather be at home with my cats than anywhere else. I devote most of my time to Boo and try not to accidentally ignore Chickie Sue. I am starting to notice they can be a lot like children sometimes! It is not always an easy job!


    August 2010
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