My Loving Companion
The vet ran an ISTAT On Boo today. I took him in for his labored breathing. He said his lungs sound raspy, and his ISTAT values were as follows: Sod ok, Pot ok, Chlo ok, BUN 102, GLU 159, HCT 13%, Hb* 4.4 (Up from 3.7) ... the vet talked to me for what seemed like forever telling me how well of a job I've done taking care of him. He admitted he didn't think he would last this long, and was surprised. I didn't know what to say because I have to start thinking about Boo pts. Vet says he does not believe he will last but 2-3 more weeks, and then he will start to feel like he is suffocating. I am wiped out on money and have nothing else after today's visit. Nothing for Boo, for bills, for CareCredit. It is all gone. I am waiting to talk to a friend of mine, and also some of the forum people. I am very upset, and not thinking clearly. So I will leave Boo alone for now and go think quietly. I was advised to give him 100mL today and no more. Vet says he is dehydrated. His heart rate in creased but that could've been because he was at the vet. He said it was difficult to tell and EKG's were hard to give to a cat who wouldn't sit still, but he listened to his heart for a good 5 minutes. He said he thought he may have heard an extra beat in there, but it could've been just because it was beating so fast. 

I am just crushed. I have to go. 
6/7/2010 02:34:28 pm

'Kaika's mom here: how upsetting this must be for you. I am so sorry that Boo is not doing well, but our babies often surprise us and bounce back when no one thinks they can. I am so wishing that happens for Boo, and 'Kaika is purring for him, too. Lots of healing thoughts and positive energy coming to you and your boy.


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    About Boo

    Boo was a 13.5 year old Persian male with Chronic Renal Failure diagnosed 03/15/10. He passed away peacefully on 08/02/10. For more on Boo, visit Boo's Life Story page.

    Boo's Ma

    I live in Central North Carolina and take care of 6 cats. 4 outside 'wanderers' and 2 indoor, Boo and Chickster. Boo is 13 years old and Chickster is 1-2. I'd rather be at home with my cats than anywhere else. I devote most of my time to Boo and try not to accidentally ignore Chickie Sue. I am starting to notice they can be a lot like children sometimes! It is not always an easy job!


    August 2010
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