My Loving Companion
I am new to blogging for the most part, at least about a cat and medical issues. I just had to say that any donations that are given, are most greatly appreciated. But I absolutely understand if anyone does not donate, as times are these days, I of course wouldn't be upset. While it would be a great help, I couldn't stand the thought of someone donating to me unless they had able means to donate.
It isn't really relevant to Boo's situation, but I just wanted to say that, because I feel so very awkward having a donation button and a fundraiser on the front page. This is just new to me. Thank you all for your time and your concern, that means more to me than anything else. <3

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    About Boo

    Boo was a 13.5 year old Persian male with Chronic Renal Failure diagnosed 03/15/10. He passed away peacefully on 08/02/10. For more on Boo, visit Boo's Life Story page.

    Boo's Ma

    I live in Central North Carolina and take care of 6 cats. 4 outside 'wanderers' and 2 indoor, Boo and Chickster. Boo is 13 years old and Chickster is 1-2. I'd rather be at home with my cats than anywhere else. I devote most of my time to Boo and try not to accidentally ignore Chickie Sue. I am starting to notice they can be a lot like children sometimes! It is not always an easy job!


    August 2010
    July 2010
    June 2010
    May 2010



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