My Loving Companion
Boo seems to be doing well today, besides spitting out a few drops of his Pet-Tinic on me and then I licked it and AUGH IT TASTES LIKE BUTT. 

I say this out loud and receive a look that clearly says, "Yeah, genius, now you know why I hate it? Or must I spell it out?"

I am so nervous about the visit. It is 15 miles away and I am taking the back way to not have to go through the busy interstate which may FREAK him out going 55 mph or faster. In any case, we are taking backroads and it will take about 26 minutes to get there. I was going to have my friend meet me there, but I think we decided she would sleep in today. I have a small pouch of Purina and a bowl of water with a lid in case there is a wait (Fridays are the WORST, I hope it is not busy!)

I am hoping he goes pee before we go out there or he may tinkle in his carrier. But I always put down shirts and mats so he can be comfy. and have a grip. It is a small dog carrier so you could fit 4 or 5 of Boo in there, but the small one I have for Chickster is so small that Boo would probably get claustrophobia .. anyway. As soon as I get back and get him settled, I will post all the news I got from the vet. I am tight on cash but have enough for at least the exam. I am hoping if she insists on any tests they are not too expensive, or she will let me open up a small tab. I doubt this, they were very firm about new customers not opening tabs. Which, as I said before, I totally understand. 
Ugh! It's 8:15 and I have to leave at 9:15!! I am so nervous! Please pray for Boo that he will enjoy the ride and no harm will come to him (From stress or anything else)

Thank you all so much for your concern and care *hughughug* <3 <3

Charlemagne and Tamar
6/18/2010 12:28:21 am

We're hoping that things went well at the new vet!

Charlemagne and Tamar

6/18/2010 03:34:31 pm

Hope all went well at the new vet...


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    About Boo

    Boo was a 13.5 year old Persian male with Chronic Renal Failure diagnosed 03/15/10. He passed away peacefully on 08/02/10. For more on Boo, visit Boo's Life Story page.

    Boo's Ma

    I live in Central North Carolina and take care of 6 cats. 4 outside 'wanderers' and 2 indoor, Boo and Chickster. Boo is 13 years old and Chickster is 1-2. I'd rather be at home with my cats than anywhere else. I devote most of my time to Boo and try not to accidentally ignore Chickie Sue. I am starting to notice they can be a lot like children sometimes! It is not always an easy job!


    August 2010
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