My Loving Companion
Please don't feel cheated, I am copying and pasting this from his thread at the forums. I am very tired.

hope you all have a wonderful day <3

Ugh... what a morning and it's only 8:31. I've been home for approximately one hour and already feels like a whole day!

Boo stayed in the tub FOREVER and wouldn't drink the stream of water until I went and got him a glass with ice in it. He drank that fine. Then he just sat there. I finally dried him off and got him his fluids. THOSE went very badly. I stuck him 4 times, 2 of which didn't even break the skin, 1 which something happened and I heard a very muffled hissing and Boo started growling, so I took it out and it bled a tiny drop, but now it's all crinkly. Air? I switched sides and ignored his ticked off mew and got it the last time, though too far to the front, more than I like, and some has gone down into his front leg.

Poor baby I feel so so horrible when I do that to him. Then he ate his little treat of Purina, then a nice bit of Hi Tor, and wanted to go outside. WELL:

I got my cup of coffee and we went and sat on the front porch. Everything was swell. Chickster got in the open window and I said well, .. you know it's pretty safe here right now, and she's real skitterish, so I'll just see if she wants to come out, so I raised the screen on my window. It took her about 10 minutes to finally jump out, and every single sound made her jump sky high. Then she meandered over towards Boo.

Don't know if Boo didn't realize it was her or did realize it was her and was pissed off that she was taking "his time" outside, but he went all out and tried to attack the pure t woman out of her. I grabbed him before he got a real good smack in but I think he caught her once or twice on the neck with his claws. When she stops being mad at ME and I can touch her I will check it out. She flew back in the window and Boo was growling and madder than spit. So, I said that's enough, let's go inside. He yowled at the door for awhile but he had a good few minutes out there, we may go out later this evening if it cools off or rains.

I didn't yell at him or anything, but I did put my hand over the back of his neck to hold him in place while Chickster got away. Boo is not happy with me right now and has his back turned while he sits in a cardboard box that just happened to have a pillow thrown in it. He's got it tilted now and ... ugh, I'm afraid if I try to adjust it he'll just give up sleeping there.

He is starting to yowl if I leave the room for too long. Like if I go downstairs to fix his food or water, or warm his fluids, he'll start yowling. Not a real painful "OMG something happened I fell and can't get up" yowl, but a "Maaaaaaaaaama... maaaaaamaaaa..." And as soon as I come around the corner he starts purring. So.

As far as energy I know good dern well he has some after that attack! I am going to try to get some rest because I think that upset me more than it did either of them. Being an "only child" for nearly 11 or so years really does a number on Chickster I guess? She wants to cuddle and be nice with him, but he just ... won't have it.

Anyway. Things are good for now. Hoping the Hi Tor is delivered today. UPS always delivers it RIGHT before I start freaking out LOL

Thanks guys
6/28/2010 02:03:50 pm

Wow! Quite a day for both of them ... hope all is calm and the Hi-Tor delivered.


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    About Boo

    Boo was a 13.5 year old Persian male with Chronic Renal Failure diagnosed 03/15/10. He passed away peacefully on 08/02/10. For more on Boo, visit Boo's Life Story page.

    Boo's Ma

    I live in Central North Carolina and take care of 6 cats. 4 outside 'wanderers' and 2 indoor, Boo and Chickster. Boo is 13 years old and Chickster is 1-2. I'd rather be at home with my cats than anywhere else. I devote most of my time to Boo and try not to accidentally ignore Chickie Sue. I am starting to notice they can be a lot like children sometimes! It is not always an easy job!


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